For our industry to thrive, we need to diversify our revenue. We have to reduce our reliance on advertising and look for ways to generate reader revenue. And in 2018, there’s no better model than the membership program. But you can’t just Read More
Data, data, it’s all about the data. Or is it? We are here to tell you that chasing data could be a waste of your valuable time. Think about it–does all that data really matter in the niche world of targeted, hyper Read More
Say it with us, Niche Nation. The value of your publication, your digital magazine, your e-newsletter, your social media presence is A-U-D-I-E-N-C-E. In your unique market, no one can compete. Let’s leverage this and sing it from the roof tops. Tell your Read More
We’ve tried all these things in attempts to grow our digital ad sales: Hire a “digital” sales person. Create packages that bundle print and digital. Restructure sales compensation plans to motivate more digital ad sales. Shoot more videos and create more email Read More