The days are longer—and it seems like they get longer every dragging minute. And it’s hot, hot, hot.

For many of us, mid-summer hits and then we are suddenly in a complete state of inertia with absolutely no focus beyond whether our baseball team is winning (or uh, losing) and what topping we want on our ice cream cone and…. is this work day over yet??
Here’s 9 niche-y ways to lift yourself out of a mid-summer funk:
1. Connect the Dots: Find some new ways to reach your fans/customers/advertisers and connect them. To do that, take a few minutes and read Scratch That Niche from Marketing Profs. You’ll start feeling creative quickly.
2. Niche Out Your Niche and Drill Down: Brainstorm with your team some ways to niche your niche even further. (We know, it’s one of our constant mantras, right behind Carl Landau’s all-time favorite: How DOES this idea translate into ROI?!)
For example, how did we (at Niche Media HQ) niche our niche? We tapped into the fact that almost 80% of niche magazines now create events within their niche. Some even create partnerships for events outside their niche to expand their reach. So we created a blog and are attracting an audience interested in everything about creating events: Niche Event Nation. Stay tuned for our upcoming, first-ever Niche EventFest in 2014. So how can YOU niche your niche?
3. Already know a niche for your niche? Make sure it’s a good one! from Copyblogger: How to know if you are entering a viable niche
4. What do Beer, Smurfs and Technology have in common? Take 8.5 minutes and watch this video from Gary Vaynerchuk about how to monetize your blog. He literally shows you how to search online to find the right advertisers that are a good fit with your niche. Want to get advertisers on your blog?
5. Get the credit your deserve: Google Authorship: Taking your niche one step further.
6. Spread the love: Get ice cream for the office when everyone least expects it. Then bring some home to your family. Instant happiness. Best Summer Ice Creams of 2013
7. “One day, you’ll be cool”: Chill out a little and watch the movie Almost Famous–even if you’ve seen it before. No time? Have a quickie: Almost Famous Trailer
8. Free stuff while you learn: Check out uber-cool marketing guru Seth Godin on truly working your niche. Plus you can get his free online Bootstrapper’s Bible. How to Make Money Online
9. Get Smart: Sign up for a conference for niche publishing professionals to network and get great new ideas you can bring back to the office. (We know a really good one if you’re stumped.)
Don’t you feel better already? I’ll have one nice big scoop of the java mocha chip on a sugar cone, please……..
About this blogger: Diana Landau is Content Wrangler of Niche Media. A former corporate marketing hack, she has now found nirvana in writing and wrangling quality content. Diana is a food, wine, art and SF Giants enthusiast who sometimes gets carried away.
Niche Media has created super niched-out events specifically for magazine publishers for over 12 years. We’ve helped pave the way for the era of boutique events that connect specific audiences and provide great educational, friendly and super-fun environments! Plus, Carl Landau – Niche Media’s Grand Poobah – just launched a blog all about creating and marketing targeted events – Check it out!
– Twitter: @NicheMediaHQ
– Facebook: NicheMediaHQ
– LinkedIn: Niche Media Network
– YouTube: NicheMediaHQ
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[…] guys i decided i want to give tumbler a chance but i took a niche …read […]