Sponsored content vs native advertising–what’s the big difference? They say that sponsored content is meant to be read, native advertising is meant to be shared, but are they really all that different?
No matter what you call it, niche magazine publishers are tackling this sticky subject and looking for new revenue opportunities while keeping readers #1. We all know the editorial dept and the sales dept feel very differently about the possibilities of sponsored content and native advertising, and there also has to be agreement on the guidelines that work best for your product for you to move forward.
It all gets down to figuring out the right balance for your magazine and your readership. As all content evolves and more media channels than ever enter the media landscape, it’s worth it to have on-going, healthy debate and examination within your organization.
Here are some of our popular posts about sponsored content and native advertising, all wrapped up:
Your Sponsored Content Questions Answered
Sponsored Online Content is the Future of Niche Magazines
Sponsored Webinars Done Right Can Be Profit Powerhouses for Publishers
What Does Native Advertising Mean for Niche Publishers?
Native Advertising Guidelines for Niche Publishers
How does your magazine handle it? Share with us!
About this blogger: Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Niche Media. A former corporate marketing hack, she has now found nirvana in writing and wrangling quality content. Diana is a food, wine, art and SF Giants enthusiast……who sometimes gets carried away.
Niche Media has created super niched-out events specifically for magazine publishers for over 12 years. We’ve helped pave the way for the era of boutique events that connect specific audiences and provide great educational, friendly and super-fun environments! Plus, Carl Landau – Niche Media’s Grand Poobah – just launched a blog all about creating and marketing targeted events – blog.NicheEventNation.com Check it out!