Ok, we know everyone’s getting on board with the impact video can make. That means you still have to keep looking for new ideas and keep it fresh! Here are five great strategies to help you get creative (and generate more revenue) this week:
1. Create short videos to answer you readers’ common questions. Are there questions that you are often asked by your readers? Record answers and create an answer archive. Keep it simple. Offer advertiser sponsorships for an answer series.
2. Use a daily video tip to drive sales. Advertisers like the exposure, and they are also your best experts. Have them pay to be the expert in a section on your site and record their answers to submitted questions.
3. Mix it up with both a business AND lifestyle angle. Create a video interview series with your niche’s thought-leaders. Make it informative with a little touch of fun and watch your audience engagement soar.
4. Create special holiday or seasonal videos. From B2Cs sharing (multiple) holiday gift tips to B2Bs addressing seasonal industry topics, take ideas and turn them into special editions. Be sure to include your advertisers in the planning and marketing process of these videos.
5. Create a social media interaction plan. This is an important next step after you create a new video in order to extend its life and reach. Each day a member of your team should be assigned to monitor and reply to social media comments about your videos. Assign days and make it mandatory.
Lights, camera, action–Pick two (or all five) of these video strategies and start generating new revenue this week!
About this blogger: Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Niche Media. A former sales director and corporate marketing hack, she has now found nirvana in writing and wrangling quality content. Diana is a food, wine, art and SF Giants enthusiast……who sometimes gets carried away.
Niche Media has created super niched-out events specifically for magazine publishers for over 12 years. We’ve helped pave the way for the era of boutique events that connect specific audiences and provide great educational, friendly and super-fun environments! Plus, Carl Landau – Niche Media’s Grand Poobah -also created a blog all about creating and marketing targeted events – blog.NicheEventNation.com Check it out!
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