As a magazine ad sales professional, do you encounter prospects that only want to devote their ad dollars to digital? We know it’s not an either-or ad buy these days, it’s the full, integrated package! So here’s some handy links with stats and survey results (from the digital realm) on why print still matters. Start sharing with your prospects and clients this week:
1. Read up and be ready with answers! Plenty of sales ammunition in this post from the MPA: Perception Vs. Reality: Print’s Power in a Digital Age “….overall print magazine circulation is stable to slightly up, and both print and digital magazine readership is increasing–while other traditional media are experiencing overall declines in audience or circulation.” And from “Mr. Magazine” Sumir Husni: “If one magazine dies, it’s not the end of the industry,” (he said.) “Do I need to tell you how many TV shows have come and gone over the years? Yet nobody said that television was dead.”
2. Help your clients envision the print revolution. “Even though we see a massive explosion of content generators and substantial platforms now, there’s a need for the long-established print media outlets that can sort through the clamour of multiple resources and offer vital, objective and perceptive coverage of the ideas that will bloom on the papers.” From F Word Magazine: The Print Revolution: The rise of niche magazines
3. Share what people really think about print vs digital. “It seems we are more likely to read more, read for longer and be more engaged with content we digest from a printed magazine. For many of us, it is the sheer delight in the page layouts, the print quality, the chosen typography, the use of imagery. For others, it represents a welcome break from the day’s routine.” From SeriousIdeas.com: Print vs Digital
4. Give them the stats. The future of print ads in a very digital world by Lorraine Gregory: “According to Digimarc, 75% of consumers feel that digital content complements – rather than replaces – print. So, marketers are now left to search for ways to create engaging print marketing that resonates with the digital world.”
5. Finally, print makes sense, even to those in digital. From Quietly: Digital to Print: Why digital publishers are choosing to publish print (Plus examples of 7 digital publishers who have recommitted to print publishing.)
It can be hard sometimes to overcome a client’s “print OR digital” mindset. The next time a sales prospect wants digital advertising only, look at as an opportunity to provide them with valuable information demonstrating how print-AND-digital-together will give them the most bang for the buck, especially for the long term.
P.S. Here’s one of our popular past posts on Selling print ads in a digital world
P.P.S. Want more digital/print integration info? Come to the Niche Digital Conference!
About this blogger: Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Niche Media. A former sales director and corporate marketing hack, she has now found nirvana in writing and wrangling quality content. Diana is a food, wine, art and SF Giants enthusiast…who sometimes gets carried away.
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