For most media ad sales professionals, the fiscal year does not follow the calendar year. By late fall you are pretty much done with 2016. When you add the holiday season and new year celebrations to the mix, you have a double whammy that often brings ad sales to a slow crawl across the December finish line.
Here are 5 key points media ad sales pros should consider this time of year:
- Don’t believe the crowd.
“No one makes decisions this time of year.” Not true! Let other ad sales people give up on December. In my ad sales training programs, I teach that most decisions to buy are made months before a deal is signed. If your ad sales process is to meet a new client and introduce your product or service and get a signed deal after the first meeting you are already doomed. Use this time of year to sell hard so that when the client’s new budget is approved in 2017, you already have the sale primed.
- Look to expand your client relationships.
This is a GREAT time of year for “meet and greet” or “lunch and learn” types of meetings. I call them educational opportunities. Take advantage of the holiday spirit and plan meetings to drive knowledge and to build relationships with new and existing clients.
- Do not stop prospecting.
Many ad sales people feel that the end of the year is a “dead zone.” They stop prospecting. Don’t fall into this trap! While other ad sales pros become dormant, you should look drive up your phone call and email volume. This will give you a leg up on the competition. From a training perspective, this needs to be a part of your daily routine. Never stop prospecting.
- Reignite the fire in what you are selling.
As the days get shorter so do our attention spans. The gray skies as you drive to work are less than inspirational. The way you feel about your product affects the way you sell your product. You may not even realize you sound and act lethargic. I always ask sales pros this question: “What excited you about your job when you first started?” Think about it and do a double-check on your presenting skills right now. Listen to upbeat music on the drive to work. Change your screen saver or desktop image to something positive or fun. Find that love you once had and reignite the ad sales flame.
- Clean up your CRM tools.
Really? Sounds like a bummer? Just do it! In my workshops I am amazed at how out-of-date the client data is in many CRM tools as we dig deep on client issues. Having your database in good working order is so important as you strive to be the best ad sales person you can be. Delete dead accounts. Trade accounts with others. Update outdated accounts. Do some CRM housekeeping.
Stay tuned for next week when I share another 5 key points to consider this time of year. I hope these ideas will encourage you to keep your energy high and your ad sales rolling forward despite 2016 winding down.
Here’s to an amazing 2017!
Check out part two with even more year-end ad sales tips!
P.S. You can hear my full podcast here
More about Ryan: Ryan Dohrn is an award winning sales coach, author and sales trainer. Ryan is the President and founder of Brain Swell Media, a boutique 360 ad sales training company and Publisher of Sales Training World, offering a detailed focus on sales training and coaching for media and technology companies.
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