It can be utter chaos if your whole sales team is pouncing on the same new leads that come into the office. The last thing you want is salespeople sulking in the corner about unfairness.
I get this question often from frustrated sales managers: “How do I best distribute new sales leads that come in from our website?”

I have 5 quick tips that will help you simplify the distribution process for maximum ad sales success:
- Qualify all leads first. You will waste time and opportunities if you don’t do this step. Have a junior sales rep do it or you can do it.
- If you do not sell by territory or channel, distribute equally. It’s very important to be consistent in your process. Document the process and communicate it often.
- Do not base distribution on sales performance. If you have poor-performing reps, cut them loose fast.
- Create a structure of accountability. Be sure there is rep or manager follow-up after each lead and that all leads are entered into the database.
- Coach all sales calls, good or bad. Especially the bad ones or those that did not close, as they can become good learning tools.
All to often sales reps will try to do their own thing. This is VERY hard to manage. Creating a quality sales process for lead management is not difficult, it just takes a bit of time and guidance.
About this blogger: Ryan is the President and founder of Brain Swell Media and 360 Ad Sales Training, a boutique internet revenue consulting firm with a detailed focus on ad sales training, internet consulting and media revenue generation. He is an award winning ad sales training coach, international business speaker and the author of the best selling ad sales book, Selling Backwards.
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