I recently had the opportunity to be a judge for “Best E-newsletter.” Our panel looked for certain qualities immediately. Navigability, layout and creativity were a given. And if the entries didn’t also incorporate the key elements below, they were rejected. Harsh, but hey, your newsletter has to stand out in your readers’ inbox above all the others.
First, do you have clearly defined goals for your e-newsletter?
Is the primary goal lead-gen? Increased engagement? Are sponsorship opportunities defined? Do you have a monetization strategy for gated content and/or archives? There is no good reason to view your e-newsletter product as a “loss-leader” that merely delivers content to your audience! Make it work for you.
Here are 5 tips to make your e-newsletter stand out from the rest:
- Is it mobile-friendly? Your e-newsletter must look good and function on multiple platforms if you want reader satisfaction and audience growth, period. Even more importantly, is your format mobile-first? Because that’s where most people will read your e-newsletter now.
- Have a native ad strategy. Without clear boundaries your native advertising can end up confusing readers. Create a consistent look.
- Is your e-newsletter just a replica of your print/digital edition? Resist the urge to simply re-print/re-post content. Create a distinct identity (within the realm of your brand) for your product so it can stand on it’s own….proudly. Embrace the super-niche within your audience!
- Sharing capability: E-newsletters need to have some sharing capability right at the top of the page. Email/Tweet the link/Pinterest—whatever works best for your niche. Bonus: If your e-newsletter has a paid component, always include an option to purchase AND order for a friend.
- Don’t give it all away. Be sure to mention that there is additional, more in-depth information available on your website. If you share ALL your valuable content and every single feature of your publication within your e-newsletter, readers won’t take the step to dive deeper into to your magazine’s website. Keep em’ clamoring for more.
So don’t take your little ole’ e-newsletter for granted. Look at new ways to make it fresh, more targeted and more valuable to your audience.