So how can you get your prospects to respond to YOUR email when they are scanning through hundreds in their inbox every day? Sometimes the most basic themes resonate most with busy customers. Plus, you have to be creative and original in your approach to catch eyes.
By now almost everyone, (well at least those who have attended ad sales training at Camp Niche), knows the story of how Carl Landau of Niche Media offered free cats in the mail as a (very) successful ad sales approach. PETA probably wouldn’t appreciate that so much these days.
Here’s an example of how you can use creativity and touch on basic needs to get prospects to respond to your ad sales emails:
I tried putting “Free Burritos” in the subject line of my email to prospects. Here’s how a typical exchange went:
From: Christopher Ware <Ware@naiop.org>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 16:24:23 -0400
To: Prospect
Subject: Free Burritos
Hi Jennifer,
I’m not sure if you even like burritos. But I figured most people do, and it was worth a shot.
Though they don’t mail very well, I’d be happy to send one to you for a call or email back. I certainly understand you are busy, and I want to work with your schedule.
So just let me know when a good time to chat would be and the burrito will be in the mail. 🙂
PS: We have an updated list of brokers sponsoring NAIOP. I’ve attached it for your reference.
Christopher Ware
Vice President of Business Development | NAIOP
From: Prospect
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:51 PM
To: Christopher Ware
Subject: Re: Free Burritos
Hi Chris!
OK – you DID get me with the burrito….very sorry I’ve been on crazy deadlines this week. Very glad to see all the new sponsors! Kudos!!
Let’s chat next week. We still have not seen budgets, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look at possible options.
Hope all is well. Happy Easter!!!!
VP of Marketing
So this little story neatly wraps up with me getting a very positive RESPONSE from my clients. It’s all about standing out from the crowd and being interesting enough to grab your prospect’s attention. And remember the note about basic needs? You know your prospects get hungry every day.
A little humor never hurts, either. (Unless it’s one of my really bad puns. Don’t get me started.)
Free Cats, free burritos— what would work for YOU in your business?
Share with us on Facebook or Twitter.
Niche Media has created super niched-out events specifically for magazine publishers for over 12 years. We’ve helped pave the way for the era of boutique events that connect specific audiences and provide great educational, friendly and super-fun environments! Plus, Carl Landau – Niche Media’s Grand Poobah – just launched a blog all about creating and marketing targeted events – blog.NicheEventNation.com Check it out!
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