PUBLISHER STRATEGY TRACK: 100% focused on new revenue generation and managing for success. Plus, roundtable formatted discussions to learn and brainstorm with your peers on current challenges and future plans.
DIGITAL STRATEGY TRACK: 100% focused on the digital side of your niche media business. Experts share strategies, ideas, and ways they are growing digital revenue.
AD SALES TRAINING TRACK:Best-in-class media ad sales training covering print, digital, custom programs, integrated packages, native advertising, best practices, finding new clients, and closing deals.
AUDIENCE & MARKETING GROWTH TRACK:From subscription marketing and online engagement to data and conversions. Audience marketers unite in this track jam-packed with expert ideas and sharing.
EDITORIAL TRACK: A specific track for editors in the trenches every day creating and editing content for loyal readers. Discover the tools, tricks, and ideas that will impact your ever-changing world of content. Attend any track to learn what you want to learn. You choose your own path of learning at the Niche Media Conference.